What to Expect During Construction
Construction is anticipated to begin in 2025. The following are some things to expect during construction.
The project will replace the existing Bay Bridge Pump Station and Force Mains in the City of Newport Beach.
Pump Station
The work at the pump station site is anticipated to take approximately three years.
Force MainsÂ
The installation of the new force mains from the pump station to the connection point on the west side of the channel is anticipated to take approximately one year. Construction will consist of microtunneling: 1) excavating, shoring, and setup of the microtunnelling launch shaft at the pump station site; 2) excavating, shoring, and setup of microtunneling receiing shaft at the connection point on the west side of the channel; 3) microtunneling the casing pipe for the new force mains from the launch shaft at the pump station beneath Pacific Coast Highway and beneath the channel to the receiving shaftt at the connection point on the west side of the channel; 4) installing the new force mains inside the casing pipe; 5) demobilizing microtunneling equipment, remove shoring and backfill at the launch shaft and receiving shaft.
Construction StagingÂ
A staging area will be used to carry out the construction activities for the Project. A staging area by Lower Castaways Park in the City of Newport Beach will be used for the siting of office trailers, temporary staging and storage of construction equipment and materials, and the parking of vehicles to support the Project. OC San's Plant No. 2 in Huntington Beach will be used for soil storage.
Public Impacts
As part of the CEQA process, mitigation measures were identified during the analysis of potential environmental impacts of the project. The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) includes a mitigation monitoring and reporting plan that addresses public impacts and measures on how to minimize those impacts. The project's mitigation measures include, but are not limited to, traffic, noise, odors, lights and glare, and activities that may disturb the silt in the channel.
Traffic impacts will be carefully coordinated to minimize impacts to the public. Engineering traffic control plans will be developed to ensure the safety of construction crews and the general public.
The project team will work with the City of Newport Beach and other regulatory agencies to define construction methods that will reduce or eliminate impacts to local businesses and residents.
Work Hours
The majority of work is anticipated to take place during the daytime working hours on weekdays, unless otherwise directed by permit requirements. If night work is required, measures will be put into place to meet city noise ordinance requirements and reduce impacts of construction lighting on surrounding residences.
Safety is a Priority
The new pump station building will have a larger footprint. With the current pump station layout, large maintenance vehicles cannot easily turn around and need to leave the pump station in the same direction in reverse, by backing onto the street. The much-needed space will provide a safer work area. It will also allow routine maintenance to take place without having to remove wastewater equipment from the building, block the sidewalk, or take up lanes on Pacific Coast Highway.

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