Project Description:
The primary treatment facilities at Plant No. 2 consist of fourteen circular clarifiers which are supported by influent piping, influent distribution structures, effluent piping and sludge pumping units. The clarifiers are covered with geodesic domes which collect foul air from the clarifiers for conveyance and treatment at two foul air scrubbing complexes.
Ten clarifiers we recently rehabilitated to prolong their service life, construction is now beginning to replace the remaining four clarifiers. As part of this effort, a new odor control system, and a new Power Building to serve the entire primary complex will also be constructed.

October 2024 - Primary Clarifier construction progress.
Project Background
About Primary Clarifiers – During the primary treatment process of wastewater, wastewater enters large tanks, or primary clarifiers where water velocity is greatly reduced to allow gravity to do its work. Inside the primary clarifier, heavy materials settle and oil and grease (lighter materials) float by gravity separation.  Most of the primary clarifier’s structure is underground with various components as shown in the image below.

Graphic illustration of the inside of a primary clarifier.

Project Map
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Site Location
Construction Schedule
2022 - 2026
Construction Budget
$111 million