Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG) Belong in the Trash.
Sewer blockages can be a direct result of fats, oil, and grease that you may be unknowingly discharging into the sewer system.
People are also known to use the kitchen sink as a trash can. Letting trash flow and go down the kitchen sink (or any other drain in the house) may cause pipes to clog and can eventually lead to sewage spills that harm the environment.
These blockages are a serious problem that can lead to a hazardous sewage spill. The blockages can be caused by a buildup of FOG that creates a clog in the sewer pipe.
To stop sewer blockages properly dispose of fats, oil, and grease by following these simple rules:
- Never pour fats, oil, and grease down the sink or garbage disposal.
- Before washing, scrape and dry wipe pots, pans, and dishes with a paper towel.
- Mix FOG with other absorbent materials like paper towels, kitty litter, or coffee grounds.
- Pour FOG into a grease can, let it cool and then throw it in the trash.

The removal of a grease blockage and the cleanup associated with a sewage spill is very expensive and may result in liability and property damages. Sewage spills also harm the environment and can cause beach closures.
This is why your participation and awareness in keeping the pipes clear is vital to help prevent sewer blockages and spills.
Visit the FOG Activity Book to find some interactive ways to share the FOG message.
Learn even more by reading the FOG Fact Sheet and watching our FOG Public Service Announcement (an oldie but a goodie):
- The Thanksgiving Cooking Tip You Didn’t Know You Needed: How to Avoid a Fatberg –LAist November 24, 2022
- The Responsible Flushing Alliance Reminds Americans to Keep Fats, Oils, and Grease out of Drains this Thanksgiving – Newswires November 12, 2022
- FOG: LEGO ‘Sewer Heroes’ idea highlights horror blockages — ‘Think before you flush!’ – Express September 17, 2022
- Cities turn to tech to keep sewers free of FOG – Engadget March 7, 2022