Santa Ana Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation Project

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Project Description:

The Santa Ana Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation Project will rehabilitate portions of the Santa Ana Trunk sewer in the cities of Santa Ana and Costa Mesa. The project is relining almost 3 miles of existing sewer line to extend its service life. As part of this effort, over a dozen manholes will also be rehabiliated or replaced, and bypass pumps will be needed to reroute sewer flow and maintain service to the community. The work will take place along Alton Avenue starting at Bristol Street and traverse across MacArthur Boulevard, Harbor Boulevard, Scenice Avenue, Hyland Avenue, and Sunflower Avenue as shown in the map.


Santa Ana Trunk Sewer Rehab project mpa.


The project is currently in the design phase. Construction is anticipated to begin in 2026 and last approximately 2 years.

Project Location

Project Background

The existing sewer line was constructed in the 1950s and 60s and now needs to be rehabiliated to continue providing reliable sewer service.

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Site Location

Construction Schedule

2026 - 2028

Construction Budget

$31.6 million